Polish elections: which parties defend animal welfare?


Polish elections: which parties defend animal welfare?

13 October 2023
For the first time, Polish organisations Albert Schweitzer Foundation, Otwarte Klatki, Green REV Institute and Compassion in World Farming Poland joined forces on a pre-election campaign to encourage citizens to vote for animals in the national elections taking place on 15 October.
On their campaign website, the organisations demand protection of animals used for the production of meat, milk, eggs, and clothing. They oppose industrial farming that negatively affects the well-being of people, animals and the environment, and they support transforming the food system to a sustainable and plant-based one.

According to their ranking of Polish political parties, the Razem (Together), Zieloni (Greens) and Nowa Lewica (New Left) parties are the leading parties for animal welfare issues in Poland. The ruling nationalist Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice) party is vying for an unprecedented third term in office, but is not projected to gain a majority in the parliament. The main opposition party Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform), led by former European Council president Donald Tusk, would also need support from a coalition. Civic Platform ranks 6th for animal welfare, and is likely to join up with other more animal welfare-friendly parties. Prawo i Sprawiedliwość ranks 8th with a final score below zero, and would seek a coalition with Konfederacja (Confederation), who rank bottom in the animal welfare chart. 

Every year, over a billion chickens are killed in our country. We produce the most poultry meat for slaughter in the entire EU. We want to inform voters interested in the fate of farm animals about the views and plans of political parties regarding the protection of their rights. We want to create pressure on politicians to take urgent actions to improve the welfare of farm animals.
Grzegorz Stachacz, Director, Albert Schweitzer Foundation

The campaign has reached major media, with coverage on TVN24, the largest online news service in Poland, ONET, and FAKTY TVN

The ranking is based on party positions for welfare demands including phasing out cages for laying hens, pigs, calves, rabbits and quails, banning fur farming and the slaughter of day-old chicks. On transport, the organisations call for a ban on the export of live animals and a maximum transport duration of 8 hours for live cattle, pigs, sheep and goats. For poultry and rabbits, the transport duration should be limited to 4 hours.

The ranking also covers party positions on creating an Ombudsman position on animal protection, and transitioning to a sustainable food system.