13 tips to improve animal husbandry in Sweden


13 tips to improve animal husbandry in Sweden

17 August 2019
Djurskyddet Sverige
The animal welfare check must be credible! Think of goals instead of relativity!

Develop the animal species-specific regulations, the Swedish Board of Agriculture! Three out of thirteen measures that Frida Lundmark Hedman, philosophy doctor of animal science and one of the country's foremost experts on animal welfare regulations, look to improve Swedish animal husbandry for as many animals as possible.

Read her 13 tips here:

Question traditions!

Rules are often adapted to what the reality looks like. For example, we may keep rabbits in small cages all their lives, while dogs and cats must be kept in a completely different way. A cow may be tied up in the same place eight to ten months in a row, while a horse must be allowed to move freely in its natural gaits every day. There is no animal welfare research to support these differences, but it has only to do with "so we have always done". There we must dare to start questioning traditions.