Campaign to increase funding of non-animal research and to phase out animal experimentation


Campaign to increase funding of non-animal research and to phase out animal experimentation

28 February 2019
Djurskyddet Sverige
Recently, many people have noticed the dogs used in animal experiments at the University of Gothenburg.

 The strong reactions over the fate of dogs show that the public's commitment to laboratory animals is great. Animal protection Sweden works long-term to improve the situation for all mice, rats, dogs, fish and other species that are exposed in animal experiments. 

We are convinced that one of the most important long-term measures to improve the test animals is to invest more money in research on methods where animal testing is not needed. The research has come a long way, but not enough. Government grants for animal-free methods have remained at the same level since 2009, these grants must be increased. The Research Foundation without Animal Experiments does important work by collecting and distributing funds for animal-free research methods, but the state must take its responsibility. In addition, Sweden needs to develop a national plan for how we can completely phase out animal experiments in the future. The Netherlands has already developed such a plan, now it is Sweden's turn.