EU Animal Welfare event co-organised by Eurogroup for Animals, Djurens Rätt and Swedish members

EU Animal Welfare event co-organised by Eurogroup for Animals, Djurens Rätt and Swedish members

4 July 2023
Djurens Rätt

Swedish organisations call for ambitious reform of EU animal welfare legislation

As the EU is set to unveil its proposal for a revised animal welfare legislation by the end of the year, an EU conference on ‘Animal Welfare – for sustainability and competitiveness’ took place at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences on June 30th in Uppsala, Sweden. Along with new scientific findings being presented, the conference highlights the expectations, opportunities and challenges linked to a new animal welfare legislation based on sustainability, competitiveness, and consumer expectations.

Prior to the conference, Eurogroup for Animals along with Swedish members Djurens Rätt,  Djurskyddet Sverige, World Animal Protection and Svenska Djurskyddsföreningen co-organised an event on June 29th in Uppsala, to discuss the priorities for the new EU animal welfare legislation, from an animal rights and welfare perspective.
This is a big year for animals in Europe. Our network of organisations tirelessly works to put animal welfare on the agenda, and it is great to see such discussions taking place within such forums, to ensure an ambitious reform that leaves no animal behind.
Reineke Hameleers, CEO of Eurogroup for Animals.

The event brought together various Swedish and international stakeholders, including researchers and politicians responsible for animal welfare issues.

‘Priorities for the new EU animal welfare legislation’ was the topic of the evening's panel discussion which consisted of Jytte Guteland, member of the Swedish parliament on behalf of the Social democrats, member of the Environment and Agriculture Committee and former MEP. Reineke Hameleers CEO of Eurogroup for Animals, Christian Juliusson, Legislative Officer, European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, Camilla Bergvall President of Djurens Rätt and Bo Algers, Professor emeritus of veterinary medicine at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Algers, the guest of honour of the event, held a special-guest talk where he discussed the importance of a new, and better animal welfare legislation.

It was a fantastic feeling to gather the most established and powerful organisations that are working for animals in Sweden and Europe for one evening. Together with authorities, researchers and politically involved, we discussed how the new animal welfare legislation can make a difference for millions of animals in the EU.
Camilla Bergvall, President of Djurens Rätt.