Launch of Animais de Rua's new Trap-Neuter-Return manual


Launch of Animais de Rua's new Trap-Neuter-Return manual

8 August 2023
Animais de Rua
The global cat population is (roughly) estimated at around 600 million (127 million in Europe only), half of which are not owned. Cats have certainly managed to adapt well to most environments, particularly to more urban habitats which, like us, they see as their territory.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) manual by Animais de Rua

Coexistence between people and cats has not always been peaceful. Most developed countries promote neutering campaigns in compliance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).

There is not single intervention that will work for all situations while managing cat populations. What is essential is that the programme is comprehensive and focused on root causes of the cat roaming population and not solely on treating the symptoms (see "Dog and cat population management guidelines" and "ICAM guidance"). 

Animais de Rua, our Portuguese member organisation, that help thousands of stray animals has recently published a manual with practical and science backed up advice for those official animal collection centres, animal welfare organisations and informal groups of citizens who are willing to help the street cats in their communiy. 

TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return) is a reproduction control and veterinary care leading to the management of unowned cats in situ on the streets, a humane and effective method of managing cat populations. 

When implemented correctly, TNR is not just limited to the capture and neutering of cats, but it also includes the creation of a safe and healthy environment for animals and people, the set up of feeding points, good winter shelters and community engagement promoting an amicable relationship within the neighbourhood.

This manual will help to know whether your organisation is up for the challenge, to lay out the necessary policies and procedures, protocols with veterinarians, motivational guidelines for the volunteers, trapping techniques, step by step approach to TNR, relocation, adoption and much more. No matter how small, every TNR programme, as part of a bigger picture of cat population management will certainly contribute to a better cat welfare.

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) manual by Animais de Rua