The Spanish Government should allow animal adoption and fostering


The Spanish Government should allow animal adoption and fostering

4 May 2020
FAADA asks the Spanish Government to expressly authorize the adoption of abandoned animals found in shelters and offer a guarantee to save the rescue center from a collapse.

After the approval of Royal Decree 463/2020 of March 14, declaring the emergency state, the Spanish Ministry of Health published the Instruction of March 19, 2020 with an interpretative criteria for the care of domestic animals -  authorizing their attention on farms and animal protection centers, as well as volunteering and feeding of feline colonies - due to the current health crisis.

Due to COVID-19 crisis the shelters in Spain have seen a rise of animals coming from people infected or unfortunately deceased. 

While the number of animals continues to rise, adoptions or fostering animals are not allowed. The measures imposed by the government have been extended  and it is unknown when they will end. For this reason, FAADA requests the Government to urgently authorize the adoption of abandoned animals that are in shelters, establishing the necessary measures to guarantee the protection of people against the risk of the coronavirus.

The welfare of animals in the centers, both dogs and cats and so-called exotics, is being seriously compromised due to the current overcrowding caused by the entry of animals and the blockage of adoptions.

The post 'The Spanish Government should allow animal adoption and fostering' is modified from an article published by Fundación para el Asesoramiento y Acción en Defensa de los Animales in their original language.