Meeting of Member States in Bucharest highlights the need for enhanced measures for the conservation of large carnivores


Meeting of Member States in Bucharest highlights the need for enhanced measures for the conservation of large carnivores

7 June 2019
At the Ministerial Environmental Conference on “Large Carnivore Management”, which took place in Bucharest, at the Palace of Parliament between 06th and 07th of June 2019.

The representatives of the EU member states have discussed the challenges that all the countries face and also the solutions that can be found for a better management of the large carnivores.

This meeting has been attended by representatives of the: Ministry of the Environment, Environmental National Guard, European Commission, European Environmental Bureau and also by representatives of associations and profile organizations from the country and also from abroad.

The Agenda started with a presentation from the European Commission regarding the support that the European Union offers to the Member States which are dealing with problems concerning the large carnivores that exist on their territory, especially the brown bear and the wolf. In the first session there were debates on the measures that we need to take to protect and conservate the species of large carnivores that exist on the territory of the Carpathic chain where the brown bear, the wolf and the lynx exist.