Enhancing insect welfare: assessing dietary practices for farmed insects in the European Union

Farm Animals

Enhancing insect welfare: assessing dietary practices for farmed insects in the European Union


As of November 2023, ten species of insect are currently authorised (or are pending authorisation) to be farmed in Europe. While the insect farming industry is rapidly developing and is already rearing insects by the billions, clear rules on their welfare are still missing due to lack of research and interest from policymakers.

This report explores one critical welfare consideration that is currently being overlooked: the diets of farmed insects. It describes what each species is being fed on insect factory farms in the EU, and offers recommendations for improvement. Ultimately, through positive diet change, this research aims to improve farmed insects' quality of life in a rapidly-expanding sector that shows no sign of slowing down.

Foreword by Eurogroup for Animals. Report by Dr. Helen Lambert and Dr. Amelia Cornish.